Sunday, May 30, 2010

To blog or not to blog... I'm asking you this question.

I really want to keep up with my blogs and initially sat down to write about something that is really agravating me. Then I thought about the people who may read it and din't want to bring anyone down but, then I thought again and wondered "Who's reading my blogs anyway"? I know there are people following but who is reading, who's listening? If you are please let me know. I read other blogs by friends but don't post about what they wrote. I feel like it wasn't written for me to comment on but I think I got it wrong since I so enjoy having my blogs commented on. I will let those people know I am reading.


  1. of course i am going to follow your blogs because i miss talking to you.... and i know i talk way too much so its nice to see you talk!!! I know that you have found your calling in life and that is so amazing!! hope to read more! -jen templin

  2. Jen I had no idea! I'm glad I asked, miss you!

  3. Unfortunately, very few people tend to comment. It's a shame, because comments do mean so much to a blogger. Blessings!

  4. I think commenting is key to reading and writing blogs!
